lunedì, febbraio 02, 2009

Torno subito

All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy.
All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy.
All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy.
All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy.
All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy.
All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy.
All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy. All work and no wine makes woland a dull boy.

4 commenti:

  1. E chi non capisce la citazione giletti lo intervisti.

  2. Difficile non capire la citazione...

  3. il tuo blog schifa i miei commenti
    e' ufficale

    I would have said duller

    e questa e' l'ultima volta che provo a scriverlo

  4. duller and duller and duller and duller and duller
